Fine Art Prints

Our Fine Art prints offer high quality, archival grade photographic prints that will last a lifetime. They are printed on 100% Cotton Rag Fine Art paper using genuine pigment inks. The result is a beautiful, richly coloured print, with the look and feel of a premium gallery artwork.

The prints are titled and signed by Wayne on the white border (just under the image).

Unframed prints are despatched rolled in a tube.


Limited Editions

Limited Edition Fine Art Prints are hand numbered and recorded as part of a strictly controlled set of prints for selected images. 

These prints are finished by hand with Wayne’s signature, print edition number, image title and date (appearing underneath the photo within the white border).

They will also be accompanied by a numbered Certificate of Authenticity.

See individual product pages for specific information on that edition.

Print Borders

All Fine Art Prints (rolled and framed) feature a white border around the photograph. This white border is additional to the stated print size and is intended to be a blank area of paper between the image and frame. 

Prints under 100cm* - 6.5cm border

Prints under 100cm* - 9cm border

Prints under 100cm* - 11cm border

* Measured on the longest edge

Traditional mat board is available by custom order, however we now favour the clean, modern look of this natural white print border.